Oak Grove Baptist Church
Who we are
Mission Statement: Oak Grove Baptist Church is a family of faith whose mission is to know Christ and make Him known through Worship, witness, discipleship, Fellowship, and service.
Founded in 1966, Oak Grove Baptist Church started as a mission of Foxworthy Baptist Church and incorporated as Downer Avenue Baptist Church in 1967 before becoming Oak Grove Baptist Church. We welcome people from all backgrounds and walks of life into our church family.
We love getting to know new members and help them along their journey with God. Oak Grove Baptist Church is a part of the Southern Baptist Convention, the California Southern Baptist Convention, and the Great Commission Association of Southern Baptist Churches.
meet our staff
Te Lun Wu
Co-Worship Leader
His friends call him Te. Born and raised in Taiwan, ROC. After college, he came to America in pursuit of a higher degree. During his seminary years, he started serving local churches in Louisville, KY. In 2000, he decided to move to San Jose, CA, and continue his service in churches. Through the years of serving our Lord, Romans 8:28 “In all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” always strengthens and encourages him whatever and whenever the situation goes up or down.